Spreading God's Word


Lothian Church of God was founded by the late Elder Raymond C. Wills after he accepted Jesus Christ through the ministry of Elder Solomon Lightfoot Michaux, a renowned evangelist.  The gospel of Jesus Christ changed the late Elder Wills' life and he desired the truth to be shared to his family back home in the Southern Maryland area.  When he sought the Lord, the Lord told him, "You go". Elder Wills labored tirelessly to preach salvation from sin through Jesus Christ.
He was called home to rest in 2001.

From 1992 to 2008, the late Bishop George W. Hawkins, Sr., shepherded the flock with a gentle and compassionate heart.  His powerful yet simple messages were soul-stirring and convicting. The late Bishop George W. Hawkins, Sr. impressed upon us all, the ability to live a sober and righteous life in this present world.
Bishop rested from his labor in 2008.

Our Leadership Team

The staff and leadership here at Lothian Church of God is comprised of men and women who love, care and pray for every single person in the church. If you have any questions for any of our staff, feel free to reach out and email them or call our church office to reach them. You can contact the church office by calling  410-741-6013.

  • Derek Hawkins, Sr., D.HumL - Pastor  

    A native of Southern Maryland and a third generational preacher, Pastor Hawkins is blessed with the honor of being called to preach in the church in which he was baptized, licensed and ordained. He has served as pastor since August 2008 succeeding his father, the late Bishop George W. Hawkins, Sr.

    A true visionary for change, he has committed his heart and life to Jesus fully. He has compelled young and older adults alike, not to settle and to take their prayer, faith, giving, worship, service and praise to the next level. Pastor Hawkins is motivated by his love for people, his love for preaching and his belief that no one is beyond God's reach. Pastor Hawkins was presented with an Honorary Doctorate in Humane Letters from the Washington International Theological Seminary in April 2023 for his passion for the Body of Christ, aid and relief provided internationally and locally, and in serving youth in the DC metro area.  He shares life with his lovely wife, Wauketa, and is a devoted father to their 7 children: Alyssa, Julia, Morgan, Derek, Allen, Zoey and Riley. 

  • Wauketa Hawkins - First Lady and Dir., Education (LoCoGA)

    Wife to Pastor Derek Hawkins and mother to their 7 beautiful children, First Lady Wauketa has walked humbly and graciously into her calling and first ministry at home.  Yet, her gifts extend beyond their home.  Her love for people and her willingness to serve has taken her from sharing the love of Jesus in nursing homes to teaching classes at youth summer camps, and from hosting intimate Women Fellowships to Guest speaking at conferences.

    Having a deep passion to help young moms and families in need, First Lady Wauketa served as a Coordinator (DC127), being the bridge connecting these families with the precious resources and support that church communities are able to provide. Her volunteer work at Capital Hill Pregnancy Center and mentoring through YoungLives of the Capital Region, has afforded her the opportunity to minister to women and children by: providing meals for families, encouraging positive parenting, and discipling young women through bible studies.

    Adorned with tenderness, kindness, warmth and keen intelligence, First Lady Wauketa serves as Director for the state-accredited Lothian Church of God Academy (established since 2005). She is also the Director of My Sister's Keeper Women's Ministry at The Church of God Lothian. In this capacity she encourages women in the Body of Christ to grow in their faith, in their relationships and in service to God's Kingdom. 

  • Theodore Marshall - Dir., Operations and Special Services

    Ted Marshall brings a high level of organization, energy and innovation to the ministry.  He has served in the Church of God for well over 30 years in varying roles, from Director of the Youth Ministry to Director of Special Services.  His years of experience, passion for church growth, and expertise in organizational agility, budget, and management have made him an invaluable resource to the church. Ted embodies the compassion of Christ as he has served as a mentor to our youth for 30+ years, some of whom include Pastor Derek and other members of our leadership team. Ted has been married to his lovely wife, Adrian, for over 30 years and has seven beautiful children, 13 grandchildren, as well as countless others who affectionately call him dad, or Uncle Ted.

  • Elsworth Hawkins, Sr. - Chairman, Board of Deacons

    An entrepreneur and carpenter by trade, Elsworth knows the value of laboring for a greater purpose.  He has worked many years in the ministry to the necessity of the saints and to the needs of the community. Whether exhorting through Scripture or raising funds for disaster reliefs, Elsworth embodies the phrase, "the hands and feet" of Christ. Elsworth is also known as the Church Historian, being born and raised in the very church he serves faithfully. Married for over 40 years to his beautiful bride, Evelyn, he is the father of 4 amazing children and grandfather of 6 beautiful grandchildren. 

  • Tyrone Sollers - Co-Chairman, Board of Deacons and Dir., Daily Administration

    With humility and tender heartedness, Tyrone has spent many years serving in the office of a Deacon. Faithful as Transportation Coordinator in the early 90s, Tyrone drove routes spanning between counties and as far as 1 - 1/2 hours one-way between a passenger's home and the church.  With great compassion for God's people and the church he helped construct, Tyrone also co-ordinates the beautification and management of the church edifice. Never a person to look for applause, Tyrone most often is heard thanking God for his wife of 30+ years, 4 children and 12 grandchildren. 

  • Janice Holland - Dir., Communications

    The gift of speaking and writing, and a love for the Lord has made Janice passionate in serving the body of Christ and the community for over 40 years.  Janice was the first to be appointed as church announcer by our Founder, and she authored the first published church newsletter. An innovator in bridging communications between the church and the community, Janice utilizes various mediums to keep everyone current and connected. 

  • Carlos Estep, Sr. - Dir., Music

    Raised from birth to love the Lord, Carlos' ears were tuned and  heart shaped for a life-long desire to worship and praise God.  After receiving free piano lessons as a youth, Carlos was able to perfect his skills and go on to learn other instruments, including the organ, drums and trombone.  For over 35 years, Carlos has served in the Music Ministry, leading numerous church choirs, praise groups and the church band. Carlos also hosts Music Workshops, and teaches piano classes every year to young children and aspiring adults. As Music Ministry leader, Carlos' greatest desire is to use music as a tool to lead corporate worship, and to prepare the hearts of the congregation for the Spoken Word of God.

  • Marilyn Torney - Dir., Hospitality

    Full of grace and love, it is with great care that Marilyn has the ability to exude that delightful feeling of "WELCOME", to every event she has planned or co-planned for 20+ years! Known for her expertise in hosting an array of events, Marilyn has organized retreats for small and large groups, planned community dinners, health fairs, social affairs and picnics.  She is certified in food safety management and the owner of Cookielyn & Company Catering, LLC.

  • Gertrude Hawkins - Dir., Pastoral Care

    The daughter of the Late Elder Raymond C. Wills and the loving wife for 45 years to the Late Bishop George W. Hawkins, Sr., Gertrude knows personally the hardships and pressures Pastors (and their families) encounter. A need often overlooked, Gertrude's heart is responsive to seeking ways to minister to the Pastor and his family in the ministry.  Graceful and meticulous, Gertrude works behind the scenes, devoting her time and talents to finding solutions and resources that can strengthen and support the Man of God.  In ministering to the physical needs of the Pastor and family, the Pastoral Care Ministry, in turn, encourages the ministering family spiritually. Lovingly re-stocking bottled waters in the Pastor's study or preparing and hosting a delectable dinner for the family are just a few ways Gertrude contributes to bestowing love and support to the Pastor and his family.

  • Nichola Gross - Dir., Senior Care

    As a child, Nichola loved being in the presence of Seniors soaking up wisdom and life lessons they imparted. These early relationships left a lasting impression on her, fostering a deeper appreciation and understanding for the needs of the Seniors and their place in God's plan at their seasoned age. Led by the exhortation from 1 Thes. 5:14, Nichola endeavors to comfort the feeble minded, support the weak and to be patient towards all men.  For 9 years, she has diligently served as leader in the Senior Ministry, designing events and activities that would help Seniors embrace the quality of life they have in Jesus Christ, as well as encourage continuous spiritual growth and physical wellness.

  • Benevolence Ministry

    Life's hardships and distresses are guaranteed in this broken world, but the light and love of Jesus is never failing and the Benevolence Ministry is dedicated to display that light and love. Whether it's collecting coats, delivering holiday meal baskets, hosting school supply give-a-ways or comforting the low in spirit, the Benevolence Ministry's mission is to serve and meet the needs of all.

  • Bessie Willett - Dir., Suffering Loss/Grief Ministry

    2 Corinthians 1:3-4 lets us know 2 important truths: 1) God is a God of All comfort; 2) He comforts us so that we can in turn extend the same comfort to others.  Having God's presence and comfort in her life has gifted and fortified Bessie to so warmly comfort others, especially those experiencing loss. The first to call, to pray, to send a card, to give a warm hug, or just to listen -  Bessie's very presence brings peace and comfort to the broken-hearted.  Bessie and the Suffering Loss/Grief Ministry also extends assistance in funeral procedures. Be it assistance in funeral arrangements or the after-burial repast, the Suffering Loss/Grief Ministry is present and willing to provide comfort and support. 

  • Jeff Pulley - Dir., Prison Ministry

    Jeff has always had a passion to bring the true Gospel back into the prisons - 

    Matthew 25:36 "I was in prison, and ye came unto me". 

    After being released from prison, full of compassion and thoughtfulness, Jeff has always wanted to serve in the Prison Ministry.  He knows that there is a great opportunity to see the Gospel transform lives. Jeff knows at first hand the importance of incarcerated men and women coming to know Jesus Christ personally and learn how to apply His Word to their lives. He also believes that prayer changes things and serves as Coordinator on the 2nd and 4th Tuesday prayer call for the Church of God. Jeff is married to his beautiful wife, Antonia and has three children and grandchildren. 

Our Beliefs

Our doctrine and beliefs are based entirely on the Word of God. The following are elements of what we believe:

The Bible - We believe the Bible is the inspired Word of God (II Timothy 3:16).

Trinity - We believe God is one, eternally existing in three persons: Father, Son and Holy Spirit (Matthew 28:19). Jesus Christ is God manifested in the flesh (II Timothy 3:16). Jesus Christ is the only mediator between God and Man (I Timothy 2:5). The Holy Spirit is co-equal with the Father and the Son and indwells, guides, instructs, and empowers the believer for godly living and service.

Sin - We believe that we have all sinned and come short of the Glory of God (Romans 3:23) and that the wages of sin is death, but the gift of God is eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord (Romans 6:23). But God commendeth his love toward us, in that, while we were yet sinners, Christ died for us.

Salvation - Salvation is the gift of God and includes the forgiveness of sins (Ephesians 2:8-9) (II Timothy 2:15), the imputation of the righteousness of Jesus Christ, and eternal life are recieved by grace through faith, and are the gifts of God.

Being Saved - We believe Romans 10:9-11 that if we confess with our mouth the Lord Jesus, and believe in our hearts that God raised him from the dead - we shall be saved. We believe that saved people do not walk in sin, and therefore deny ungodliness and worldly lust (Titus 2:11).

Saved through Faith - We believe that we are justified by faith in Jesus Christ. Ephesians 2:8-9 teaches that by grace we are saved through faith; and not of ourselves; it is the gift of God; Not of works, lest any should boast.

Holiness - We believe that God hates sin and everything about it. Instead, Gods wants us to be Holy as He is Holy. (Acts 5:32, Hebrew 12:14, Titus 2:11-12 I Peter 1:16). We are to present our bodies as a holy vessel back to God and not be conformed (or shaped) by the world.

Our Job - We believe that the purpose of the church is to witness concerning Jesus Christ according to the Scriptures and preach the gospel among nations (Matthew 28:19).